How to Log in to cPanel/WHM VPS View PDF

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If you chose to install cPanel/WHM on your VPS, you can log in to the WHM control panel interface immediately after VPS setup at:

You should replace "x.x.x.x" in the above example with the primary IP address of your VPS.

After logging in to WHM, the root level of cPanel, you can setup websites and user accounts, among other server settings. For example, to add a new user account and configure a website, you should locate Account Functions > Create A New Account

After creating a new account, the user can log in to the user-level cPanel hosting portal at:

  • URL: https://x.x.x.x:2083
  • Username: [User name chosen in WHM > Create A New Account.]
  • Password: [Password name chosen in WHM > Create A New Account.]


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